
Bear, 8.5 feet long and 7 feet tall, fibreglass sculpture. Completed 2022. For Sale $12,000 including the copyright. Will deliver, make a permanent concrete base, and will set it up for $1,000 additional anywhere in Canada. may be viewed at Norvic Motel on Highway 17 east of Sudbury, Ontario.

Cougar, 13' long, welded stainless steel sculpture of a charging cougar. Completed spring 2021. For Sale $30,000 USD including the copyright. Will deliver, make a permanent concrete base, and will set it up for $5,000 USD additional anywhere in North America.
Home Run

Baseball Player, 10' tall, welded stainless steel. Completed April 2020. For sale $30,000 USD including the copyright. Will deliver, make a permanent concrete base, and will set it up for $5,000 USD additional anywhere in North America.

Ginger. 16 inches high sculpture, 3D printed in hard plastic from the clay original, limited edition of individually numbered copies $500, including shipping in North America.

A howling wolf 8 feet high and 10 feet long made of welded stainless steel. SOLD.
Skaters now for sale.

Ten feet tall, fibreglass over stainless steel framed scupture. Completed Fall 2017. Transportation will be arranged by the artist once destination is known. Price includes copyright on this figure. Artist will provide specifications for permanent base for sculpture at no charge. Base can be constructed by artist at actual cost or by the buyer at their discretion.

Made from stainless steel, Mike's full half-size replica of a World War II Spitfire Plane, with a wing span of 16 feet, and camouflage-painted, now hangs over the North Cobalt Flea Market, who commissioned the work.
Mike Camp Designs has been involved in a number of sculpture projects over the years including: the 19 foot tall Buffalo in Earlton, Ontario; the 12 foot tall stainless steel Raven Lady in Ucluelet, Vancouver Island, BC; a full-size Carousel Horse for a collector in Halifax, Nova Scotia; and a decorative rocking horse for a collector in California. Highway 11 at Marten River a huge fish welcomes visitors. This link connects to the article in the North Bay Nugget of Oct 18, 2012 showing the fish as it is being constructed. Below is a closer-to-finished picture.

In addition, Mike Camp Designs has completed three museum and one municipal commissions; 25 figures of pre-historic animals for the Beringia Museum in Whitehorse, Yukon;
a 17 foot authentic birch bark canoe and an 18th Century Blacksmith Shop, both for the Heritage Museum in Thompson, Manitoba; and a 14 foot steel Innukshuk for the town of The Pas, Manitoba.

Surfer Girl

Ten-foot tall, welded stainless steel Surfer Girl, made at the artist's Northern Ontario cabin 2016. Sold to a businessman in Uculet, BC, spring of 2016. Delivered to BC and set-up by the artist.
Mike Camp would be interested in discussing your next custom project, whether it be industrial or artistic. Call him at 705-672-2526.